All of my work is about exploring and deepening our relationship to pleasure.

My intention is for you to go far beyond the pleasure of physical sensation. I want you to dive into the deeper and subtler layers of pleasure that include settledness, contentedness, and joy.

Create the relationships you want to have. 

Say no to what you are no longer willing to endure.

Step into your power, choice, and freedom. 

Hi, I’m Adam.

I am a space holder, a facilitator, a guide, and a coach.

My journey, my personal path of joy, is about turning toward integrity and bringing awareness to the unconscious and conscious ways I have been a part of, and perpetuated, violence upon myself and others. 

I seek to hold my pain and my pleasure together because I believe that together I can find something stronger, deeper, and more fulfilling.

Pain and pleasure have been two of my greatest teachers. Discovering how to be in a consensual relationship with them has been one of the most transformational parts of my path.

I am so grateful for the learnings and unlearnings that have come from my grief, fear, shame, and guilt. They continue to guide me and talk to me. And even though I don’t like it when they yell, I always learn a lot.

I love this path and I love this work. 

I believe that my genius lies in my presence, my ability to see you, and my skill in creating spaces that are strong enough to hold all of you and all of me.

Through this work, I offer my presence, energy, and whatever wisdom I have earned from my experiences. My hope is that you will open yourself up to receive them.  

It is my pleasure to serve you, hold you, and be present with you. 

I hope you’ll join me.

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